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 TMT on entrepreneurship and embedded learning/internships 


TMT on entrepreneurship and embedded learning/internships was held from 6-8 April. Palestine-Jericho

All over the world entrepreneurship has become a focal point of attention in higher education. A matter of discussion is how practically oriented entrepreneurship courses and programs should be and can be considering the resources in terms of time and money. The challenge is to train students' competencies and not only transferring theory.

That issue has been at the center of the training on internships, embedded learning, social labs on WASH and CSA in Palestine. Attention has been paid to a number of issues:

1. The European EnterMode approach towards internships

2. The minor program International Entrepreneurship and Development from the Delft University of Technology.

3. Problem-based learning and social labs

4. The creation of a network of partners

5. Course development with embedded learning integrated in it

By means of case studies and outbreak groups it has been discussed what and how these approaches and these examples can be put to use in the Palestinian context of entrepreneurship.

Participants have been involved in creative role-play sessions in which they resumed multiple roles that constitute the pillars of Entrepreneurship and Internship models (students, professors and private sector representatives), the training was very interactive, fun and learning.

The training has been well attended and was characterized by lively discussions. 22 participants (4 females and 18 males) from partner Palestinian universities (Najah University, Birzeit, Hebron, Al Quds, PTUK, PPU, and Arab American University), professors teaching Entrepreneurship and the business incubators’ leads have convened together at Jericho Resort/ to exchange experience and exploit the Dutch experience as much as they can. Palestinian interest in entrepreneurship and the practical challenges involved have become once higher on the agenda by these shared efforts.