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List of Literature 

Lecture 1 - Water supply and demand. Water as a public good & market failures

1) Van der Zaag, P. and Savenije, H.H.G. (2006). Water as an economic good: The value of pricing and the failure of markets. UNESCO/IHE – Institute for Water Education Research Report Series No. 19.
2) Hanemann W.M. (2006). The economic conception of water. In: Rogers P.P., Llamas M.R., Martinez-Cortina L. (eds.) Water crisis: myth or reality? Taylor and Francis, London, 61–91. (EXCEPT subsection 2.2, i.e. p. 66-70)
3) Dorman, P. (2014).  Microeconomics. A fresh start. Chapter 20, Economics and Ecology, p.459-485. (READ Chapter 20.2 "The environment as a commons", pages 460-467)
4) Aylward, B. (2016).  Water, Public Goods and Market Failure. Technical Report, The Rockefeller Foundation.
5) Halteman, J. (2005).  Externalities and the Coase Theorem: A Diagrammatic Presentation. The Journal of Economic Education 36(4), 385-390.
6) Dinesh Kumar, M. and Singh, O.P. (2005). Virtual Water in Global Food and Water Policy Making: Is There a Need for Rethinking? Water Resources Management 19, 759–789.

Lecture 2 - Valuation of water resources

1) Koetse, M.J., Brouwer, R. and van Beukering, P.J.H. (2015). Economic valuation methods for ecosystem services. In: Bouma and van Beukering (eds.) Ecosystem Services: From Concept to Practice, Chapter 6, 108-131. (read pages 108-121)
2) Chapter 7: Trade-offs and decision support tools for managing ecosystem services
3) Becker, N., Helgeson, J., Katz, D. (2014). Once there was a river: a benefit-cost analysis of rehabilitation of the Jordan River. Reg Environ Change, 2014; 14: 1303-1314
4) Sonneveld, B.G.J.S., Marei, A., Merbis, M.D., Alfarra, A. (2018). The future of date palm cultivation in the Lower Jordan Valley of the West Bank. Applied Water Science 8: 113.
5) Brander, L.M., Florax, R., Vermaat, J.E. (2006). The Empirics of Wetland Valuation: A Comprehensive Summary and a Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Environmental and Resource Economics 33, 223-250.

Lecture 3 - Water Markets and Water Pricing

1)Sjödin, J., Zaeske, A., Joyce, J. (2016). Pricing instruments for sustainable water management. Working paper Nr. 28. SIWI, Stockholm.
2) Debaere et al. (2014). Water markets as a response to scarcity. Water Policy 16, 625-649.
3) Howe, C. (2005).  The functions, impacts and effectiveness of water pricing: Evidence from the United States and Canada. Water Resources Development 21(1), 43-53.
4) Di Baldassarre, G. et al. (2018).  Water shortages worsened by reservoir effects. Nature Sustainability 1, 617-622.
5) OECD (2015) . OECD Principles on Water Governance. Paris: OECD.

Lecture 4 - Integrated River Basin Management. Payments for watershed services. CBA.

1) Koetse, M.J., Brouwer, R. and van Beukering, P.J.H. (2015). Economic valuation methods for ecosystem services. In: Bouma and van Beukering (eds.) Ecosystem Services: From Concept to Practice, Chapter 6, 108-131. (read pages 108-121)
2) Chapter 7: Trade-offs and decision support tools for managing ecosystem services
3) Becker, N., Helgeson, J., Katz, D. (2014). Once there was a river: a benefit-cost analysis of rehabilitation of the Jordan River. Reg Environ Change, 2014; 14: 1303-1314.
4) Sonneveld, B.G.J.S., Marei, A., Merbis, M.D., Alfarra, A. (2018). The future of date palm cultivation in the Lower Jordan Valley of the West Bank. Applied Water Science 8: 113.
5) Brander, L.M., Florax, R., Vermaat, J.E. (2006). The Empirics of Wetland Valuation: A Comprehensive Summary and a Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Environmental and Resource Economics 33, 223-250.

Lecture 5 - Economic valuation of water resources

1) Peter Albersen, Harold Houba and Michiel Keyzer, 2003, Pricing a Raindrop in a Process-Based Model: General Methodology and a Case Study of the Upper-Zambezi, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28, p.183-192.
2) M.A. Keyzer (2016) Optimal calibration and control in a regional water economy model for the Jordan River Basin. Centre for World Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Lecture 7 - Farmers’ willingness to pay for treated wastewater in the Jordan valley

1) Jeuland, M. Moffa, A. Alfarra(2020), The contribution of urban infrastructure improvement and wastewater reuse to reducing water deficits in Jordan Submitted to the Water Resources Management: (Links to an external site.), Jan 2021.
2) Zeitoun, M.; Abdallah, C.; Dajani, M.; Khresat, S.; Elaydi, H. and Alfarra, A. 2019. The Yarmouk tributary to the Jordan River I: Agreements impeding equitable transboundary water arrangements. Water Alternatives 12(3): 1064-1094
3) Alfarra, A., Sonneveld, B. G. J. S., & Hoetzl, H. (2013). Farmers’ willingness to pay for treated wastewater in the Jordan valley. Sky Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(6), 69-84.
4) Alfarra A., Kemp-Benedict E., Hötzl H., Sader N. and Sonneveld B., "Modeling Water Supply And Demand For Effective Water Management Allocation In The Jordan Valley (paper)," Journal of Agricultural Science and Application (JASA), pp. 1-7, Volume 1, No. 1, March 2012.
5) Alfarra, A., Sonveld, B., H. Hötzl and, Abed El Jabar, S.(2010). The price to pay for treated wastewater: an evaluation of water pricing scenarios in the Jordan Valley. At the IWRM conference– Karlsruhe, Germany.

Lecture 8 - Entrepreneurship opportunities and environment in CSA

1) Kroesen, J. Otto, Darson, R., Ndegwah J. David, 2020. Cross-cultural Entrepreneurship and Social transformation: Innovative Capacity in the Global South, Lambert, Saarbrücken, 331pp.
2) Kroesen J.O., Darson R., Ndegwah D.J., 2017. Tropical Greenhouses: A Great Opportunity for Small Farmers: Drivers and barriers for agricultural innovation, CFIA conference 7-8 Nov., pp.  1-20,;

Lecture 10 - Ecosystem Services in Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation

1) Carpenter, S. R., and C. Folke. 2006. Ecology for transformation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21:309–315.