TMT on Water Valuation
A TMT on water valuation was held from 26-30 July. Palestine-Jericho.
12 participants from partner Palestinian universities (Najah University, Birzeit, Hebron, Al Quds, PTUK, PPU, and Arab American University), professors have convened together at Jericho Resort/ to exchange experience and exploit the Dutch experience as much as they can.
The course Water valuation focuses on the application of valuing water for its various uses in a decision and policy-making environment. Course attendants were versed in the principles and modern techniques of water pricing and learn to use the water prices as a viable instrument for policymaking. Practical assignments concentrate on numeric examples that reflect water scarcity and its adequate efficient and equitable distributions. The course includes case studies and looks at water rights, legislation and trading and quizzes to test your knowledge. The courses touch base on a variety of water value issues at the local, farm and watershed levels. Field examples will give practical information on the use of water valuation techniques.