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LLecture 2 - Valuation of water resources



Prof. Dr. Pieter van Beukering, Environmental economist.
Director Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM),
Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 

Ana Clara Cassanti, Lecturer,
Institute for Environmental Studies
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM),
Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

This part of the course focuses on the valuation of water and ecosystem services. We briefly look at the various forms in which the welfare effects of water and ecosystem services materialize. We explain why something can have a value but not a price and we address the main reasons for expressing water and ecosystem services in monetary terms. In the second part of the module, we explain different valuation techniques which can be applied for valuing water and ecosystem services. Market valuation methods can be used when markets for environmental goods and services exist. When such markets do not exist, nonmarket valuation methods are used, consisting of revealed and stated-preference methods. Key methodological issues of non-market valuation methods are addressed using existing case study examples.

Pieter van Beukering - Economic Valuation of Water Services 2.pptx

Practical : 

Assignment water valuation course_Choice experiment_26_07.pptx