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A qualitative research study on the water situation in the Tulkarem and Jenin Governorates

Category:  Water Resources

Donor: The Commission's General Directorate for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) and CARE International


Assess the overall situation of the water infrastructure in the targeted villages and to examine to some extent the efficiency of CARE intervention in the area.The work was a joint-project work between WESI andCARE to assess the overall situation of the water infrastructure in the targetedvillages and to examine to some extent the efficiency of CARE intervention inthe area. The assessment conducted by WESI is based on carrying out aquestionnaire and conducting field visits. In the questionnaire, WESIdeveloped a series of questions to explore the overall situation related towater before and after CARE's intervention. The questionnaire was designedin a way to reveal the extent of CARE success in lessening the difficultiesfacing the local communities and in easing their suffering. 

Duration: July 2005 - Sep 2005

Main outcome:

The questionnairewas distributed on a random sample made up from the local people. Part ofthis sample included personal and direct beneficiaries from CARE'sintervention. The second major activity in this project work was the field visits.These were quite necessary to understand the current situation, to meet keyfigures and representatives in the localities, and to better assess the entirewater infrastructure. Under this activity, the targeted villages were segregatedinto four focus groups such that a center for each group was assigned tofacilitate the meetings.

Status:  Completed Project