Category: Water Resources
Donor: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
A regional WEAP system will be developed to represent key elements of water resources and water management in the Jordan Valley region, with respect to water availability, water demand and water quality.
- Water Evaluation and Planning Tool (WEAP) and GIS A regional WEAP system will be developed to represent key elements of water resources and water management in the Jordan Valley region, with respect to water availability, water demand and water quality.
- Hydrological modeling, assessing water availability for the lower Jordan River Runoff generation will be linked to rainfall through assessments of catchment rainfall by volume scanning radar.
- Water quality issues in the lower Jordan river (wastewater management) Based on the data from the first phase, from other available databases in the region, and from literature sources, existing models will be applied and calibrated or algorithms will be developed for the simulation of site-specific effects of different land use systems, irrigation technologies and wastewater qualities on the following parameters:
September 2005- August 2008
Main outcome:
The models and algorithm will allow (1) to determine optimized effluent irrigation land-use systems with respect to adverse environmental effects under current conditions and global change scenarios; and (2) to identify sensitive controlling parameters that can be easily derived from region-wide databases on environmental parameters so that simple predictive algorithms can be developed for areas where detailed data on water, soil and other site parameters are not available
Status: Completed Project