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Regional assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination in Gaza Strip

Category: Water Resources

Donor: Environmental Quality Authority /UNESCO


The deteriorating groundwater quality due to the extensive agricultural practices and the uncontrolled disposal of waste and wastewater has called for serious intervention of aquifer restoration planning and management strategies. To efficiently introduce and possibly inflict management options and protection alternative measures, scientific and technical assessment of the current status of the groundwater resources should be carried out Gaza Coastal Aquifer is the major source of groundwater to the 1.5 million residents living in Gaza Strip. The deteriorating groundwater quality due to the extensive agricultural practices and the uncontrolled disposal of waste and wastewater has called for serious intervention of aquifer restoration planning and management strategies. To efficiently introduce and possibly inflict management options and protection alternative measures, scientific and technical assessment of the current status of the groundwater resources should be carried out. As a preliminary study, we evaluated the vulnerability of groundwater of the Gaza Coastal Aquifer to contamination using a well-known model called DRASTIC. To facilitate the utilization of this model, a GIS-based approach was followed throughout this project research. 

Duration: January 2005 - December 2005

Main outcome:

The final outcome was the development of a spatial map for aquifer vulnerability to contamination while the broad outcome includes the many auxiliary outputs that transpired such as delineation of high vulnerable areas and description of the most practicable management options that can be introduced in such high risk areas

Status: Completed Project