Category: Water Resources
Donor: Nablus Municipality/ UNESCO
choose the most suitable disinfection system for nablus municipality drinking water Intermittent pumping causes back-pressure in the water network. This back-pressure sometimes causes polluted water from open sewage networks to leak into the drinking water network, which makes
effective disinfection a necessity. The current procedure of chlorine addition to the water has two deficiencies. First, the location of the chlorinators is not optimized. Some chlorinators are positioned directly at the pumping points from the wells; others are positioned at the entry point to the reservoirs, while others are positioned at the pumping points from the reservoirs into the network. Second, the chlorine dose is not optimized, especially with respect to the size, age, seasonal flow rate, condition of the part of the network fed by a particular pumping station, and the anticipated pollution in the area covered by that part of the network. This causes the water to be overdosed sometimes with obvious economical and health drawbacks, and under-dosed in other times with the concern that the chlorine level will be below the standard dose of 0.2 to 0.3 ppm at the end point. Hence, there is a great need to optimize the chlorination of the drinking water in terms of the location of the chlorinators and the dose of disinfectant to strike a balance between cost and safety. T
January 2005 - May 2006
Main outcome:
three teams are joining efforts on this project. Two teams are from An-Najah National University-Nablus; one from the Chemical Engineering Department and the other from the Water and Environmental Studies Institute (WESI). The third team presents the end user, the Nablus Municipality
Status: Completed Project