A Groundwater Decision Support System for Optimal Management of Pumping and for Groundwater Quality Protection
Category: Water Resources
Duration: 01/05/2017 to 31/12/2019
- To develop a groundwater flow model for the Eocene aquifer
- To arrive at the optimal pumping strategies for the Eocene aquifer
- To assess the demand supply gap in the study area considering all water using sectors
- To achieve a better understanding of the spatial and temporal distributions of key chemicals in the groundwater (emphasis will be on nitrate). A statistical analysis will be carried out
- To develop a nitrate fate and transport model for the Eocene aquifer
- To establish the protection zone for each selected well in the study area. There after a thorough analysis will be carried out to study the relationship between the contributing zones with the on-ground pollution activities
- Develop a groundwater decision support system (GDSS) for the study area
- Develop sustainable management strategies that target the groundwater resources and the environmental systems through supervising the on-ground land-use related activities. These strategies are at the national level and aim at protecting the water resources and mitigating the presence of the pollution sources while at the same time optimizing the land use practices and activities
- An educational module that can be integrated in specialized water courses (such as water resources management, groundwater hydrology, water resources economics, etc.) at the Palestinian and the partner Dutch university based on this research work